Our Journey with Oliviah (A Rainbow Baby Story)
“Babe, can you see a line here?”
I was completely asleep. I had no idea what she was asking me. I rubbed my eyes & looked up to see my beautiful wife sitting on the bed next to me with a test in her hand. “Look at this! Can you see a line? I’m pretty sure I see a line!”
I was completely surprised. The past year had been a complete challenge for us. Not because of the pandemic, but because we have faced 3 miscarriages. Ever since our baby girl, Hadley, had turned 5, we have wanted to have another baby. Being a blended family, we loved bringing new life in the world. Ashley & I both love being parents & having a child together has helped firm the bonds of two separate families.
Having struggled to get pregnant with Hadley, we knew we’d have our best chance with help. We were able to get pregnant twice in the last 2 years, but faced the heartbreak of losing our babies, one in the first pregnancy & two in the second. To say this shattered our hearts & tested our faith is an understatement. Friends & family always try to encourage, but healing a mother’s heart is not easy. Ashley faced her heartbreak as best she could & I tried to help by being supportive & praying for her. It wasn’t easy. There were many times we blamed God, yelled at God, questioned God, & even hated God.
Even though we faced great loss, God was with us. He led us to our current church, Guts, where Ashley & I were able to not only find peace, but also healing. Getting planted & involved in our church family has transformed our lives & helped us to grow. Ashley found herself again. Even though we were still hurting, we knew we were in the right place. We spoke of adoption or fostering, but we focused on growing in our relationship with God to show us what to do.
Which is why when my beautiful wife ran into our bedroom & jumped on our bed & asked me if I saw a line on the pregnancy test, I was floored. When you talk to her, she will tell you she felt something the night before. Yes, I know that’s “impossible”, but we have found that nothing has been impossible with our God. We weren’t trying, we didn’t’ have any help, we simply have focused on God, our family, & our church & we have seen His miraculous power come to life in our lives. We are now 29 weeks into this amazing pregnancy & cannot wait until we get to meet this little miracle of God.
God has shown Himself strong in every aspect of this journey & even though we have faced heartache in the past, we know this victory & this little girl, our rainbow baby, will have a mighty call on her life.